Sabtu, 27 Desember 2014

Bacaan kekasih dari Allah

Senin, 01 September 2014

Lets wrap

Minggu lalu dpt paket khusus wrapping ini motor-motor.
Do we love logistics!

Jumat, 20 Juni 2014


What have we done since we born till today
Never thinking until i heard about Mrs. Verra aprilia permadi than shocking again with Ms. Yusnita

You both news shoot me stright to my brain.. i'm numb..
Thank you for bering my friends that always support me and make me realize that still lots of things that i need to catch up- 26 marh 2014.

Rest in peace my beautiful dentist..
Never thought that our time only till 15 of march 2014.
You influence me so much.. you makes me become now..
Love you so much that u ever emagine
Ms. Yusnita Drg.

Rest in peace my caty fabolous
Gonna miss your carring,your visit,your story..
If i realize that time is very precious, friend visit is more bigger than my daily job

If i can turn back time,but i can't hoping i can stand beside both of you much more longger..

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un (Arabic: إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ‎) 

Love your frinds,ping them..,ask their doing, you will be sorry when they be gone forever.. because we dont know...


Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

Budaya negri ku Indonesia

Lifebuoy Tree Of Life:

Senin, 05 Mei 2014

Import menggunakan jasa titipan

Mo share soal perijinan import ni di ID,
Terutama bwt kita kita yg gi lovi lovi belanja n cinta mati ama brand tertentu, berasa ya liat brand A diweb resminya yg ada diluar sono harganya jauuuhh lebih murah dr pd didisplay toko resminya di ID
Langsung gatel klik Buy & itemnya 10 biji(dlm hati mayan dijual lagi n buat kado) than masukin no cc dah..
Please dont do that!!!!!
1.liat pojok kanan (ato bisa dimana aja lokasi tulisan ini) " every country have different duty and tax please call your local..."
Ini artinya apa yg kita beli ngga murah beibs.. even kita udah kasih npwp jatoh2 beda 10,rb paling ( sebanding ama parkiran mol)

Duty tax diomongin di threat berikutnya ya beibs n broo..

2. 10 biji salah fatalll bgt!!! Kebanyakan beibs dimata custom.. kita mo ngelez bajai + nangis bombay pas ngadap custom no.. no.. no... ngga ngefekk bp custom akan bilang "tolong ya mba atau mas mohon lengkapi laporan surveyor atau kembalikan keshiper aja ya" ngenez ya kl rmh kita di bandung kita ke soeta ato halim n hasilnya gitu.
Laporan surveyor : pembatasan import pakaian jadi max.10 pcs.

Mengenai perijinan dibahas ditreat berikutnya ya

1.Kl kita bukan importir khusus(just online shoper) lebih baik untuk pembelian pakain jadi kurang dari 10 pcs.
2.tanyakan shiper kurir apa yg dia pake utk krim barangnya ke ID? Misalkan tnt/ups/dhl/ .. tlp ke tnt/ups/dhl nya tanyakan berapa pajak yg harus dibayar dengan menginfokan invoice barang yg kita beli n apa ada ijin utk import paket yg kita mo beli.

Note. Info ini mengambil contoh import baju jadi dengam berat dibawah 100.0 Kg.

Selasa, 29 April 2014